How I'm going to change the world!.....

.....(One project at a time)

So, we have a responsibility to look after our planet and everything that lives on it.
I'll assume you've been living under a rock if you don't already know this 😉

Sustainability is a huge passion of mine and something that is becoming less and less possible for people to ignore.
But it can be a bit overwhelming trying to understand how you can make a difference. Whether that's at home, or making buying decisions, or as a business owner... But really, every little change you make, will still make a difference.

How does this work?

The way I’ve recently been thinking about this in my professional life is as follows: 
You know that question on an employee engagement survey that asks you whether you can see how your role contributes to the wider organisation goals / vision / mission etc?
Well I've always been lucky enough to answer yes to that question. 

Graphic depiction of cogs

And it's because I've always had jobs in organisations where I can see an obvious contribution to society. 

Over and over again, on each project I worked on, I recognised the impact that my individual role had within the project, the impact that the individual project had on the organisation, the impact that the individual organisation had on the wider economy, community, environment etc.

And now, I've built my own business on this basis. I really believe that if we all pull together, we can create a better world to live in. We can all play a part in the bigger picture.

My contribution?

Well, whilst I'm not an inventor, or a technology expert, or a scientist, or any of those other things that are fixing the world problems, I'm still passionate about innovation and I'm still driven to make this world a better place. And, I know what I can do...

My expertise is in finding and implementing improvements and infrastructure to businesses. Building relationships. Solving problems. Creating structure and order amongst chaos. Getting stuff done. And what I can contribute, therefore, are the skills and knowledge to run, improve and grow an effective and successful business.

I have around 15 years' worth of experience that I draw on to help my clients today, from very small through to very large, complex organisations, spanning private, public and third sector.

It's this experience that has taught me that businesses rarely operate at 100% of their optimum - there are always ways for an organisation to be even better at what it does. And I can help these companies to optimise their outputs.

I want to contribute all of my skills, knowledge and experience in making organisations better, to those inventors, technology experts and scientists. To all of the people that need to concentrate on what they do best and focus on how they are going to take their ideas and their businesses to the next level, while I help them make sure the foundations are there to do so.
It's basically a match made in heaven.

Do you want to help me change the world?

My goal is to work with as many businesses as possible who are contributing to a better world, helping them be the best they can be, ultimately feeding into the bigger picture.
I believe that by organisations operating at their optimum, they will contribute more effectively to a better community, society, economy and environment.

Get in touch if you want to talk about how DH Professional Solutions can help your business.

Let's give our planet the chance to be the best it can be.


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