How I'm going to change the world!.....

.....(One project at a time) So, we have a responsibility to look after our planet and everything that lives on it. I'll assume you've been living under a rock if you don't already know this 😉 Sustainability is a huge passion of mine and something that is becoming less and less possible for people to ignore. But it can be a bit overwhelming trying to understand how you can make a difference. Whether that's at home, or making buying decisions, or as a business owner... But really, every little change you make, will still make a difference. How does this work? The way I’ve recently been thinking about this in my professional life is as follows: You know that question on an employee engagement survey that asks you whether you can see how your role contributes to the wider organisation goals / vision / mission etc? Well I've always been lucky enough to answer yes to that question. And it's because I've always had jobs in organisations where I can see an obv...