5 tips to achieve a more environmentally friendly lifestyle - by Kevin Jeeps

OK, so this is a guest blog written by Kevin Jeeps for my friend Danielle. We met through a local networking group, In Business , that, because of the current pandemic, is holding its meetings using Zoom. That, in itself, is helping the environment simply because the members and guests are not travelling, and therefore not producing exhaust emissions, to the meetings. Speaking purely personally, my car has done less than 1,000 miles since the middle of November 2020, a great result for the environment! Firstly, what’s my background and why am I interested in the environment? Well, I was born and bred in a village in Cambridgeshire and, although I went to my village primary school, my secondary school education was in Cambridge itself. When I was doing my Geography lessons at both O and A Level, I was taught about some of the earth’s natural energy sources. At the time, these were coal, oil and natural gas. I distinctly remember thinking to myself: “These are finite resources! What wil...