Doing business for good

There's so much to do when you start your own company and so many 'foundations that need to be laid down', as I describe it. One of the first things you have to do is to try and articulate what you do and why you do it. If you've got as far as having a business idea, you would think this is relatively easy. But for me, I actually think this was one of the hardest things to do. So, the process that I went through, actually ended up taking me on a bit of a journey into my own personal values and beliefs (1) (stay with me, I'm not going deep and meaningful… although the process was really interesting, if you want to find out more let me know!) And where I've landed, is in a world of 'doing business for good'. (2) Which makes sense to me, really. At the start of my career, after a couple of years in hospitality, I got a job at 19 as a receptionist in a Birmingham city-centre office and I absolutely loved it. I spent the next 9 and ...